Can You Help Me Please..

Can you help me please..

  These are the answers for 1,2,3,4, and 5.

1. a: True
b: If you are in region 1, then you live in Vigan City.
c: False, there are a lot of cities that you can find in region 1.

2. a: True
b: If you have good grades, then you persevere/d in your studies.
c: True

3. a: False, there are unemployed people that are a college graduate.
b: If one/he is not a college graduate, then one/he is unemployed.
c: False, there are some students who still havent finished or graduated college but still have some some part time jobs that they could be considered employed.

4. a: True
b: If you can vote, then you are 18 years old.
c: False, you can vote if you are 18 years old or above.

5. a: True
b: If it is divisible by itself and 1, then a number is prime.
c: True


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