All Of Our Talents Should Be Used For Gods Glory. Paano Po Idiagram Itong Sentence Na Ito?

All of our talents should be used for Gods glory. Paano po idiagram itong sentence na ito?

My idea:

List down all your talents, skills and passion.

Start by writing/drawing God or a symbol of God in the center of the paper.

Then write/draw each talent/skill/passion around the symbol/writing/drawing of God.

Describe how you can use each one to glorify God.

Ive attached a simple example of what I mean.

P.S. Any talent that you do in full with love and for a good cause or purpose like helping others you are glorifying God. God created you to be you (given that what you do is good and doesnt harm others), and he especially intently give you talents for a purpose. If you use it in full, for the good, you glorify God. The best way would be to use it in honor and for God through worship, and to inspire others.


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